
Ice Damming – Remove Snow before it’s Too Late

IceWhat is ice damming?

Once you get a large volume of snow and you get a thaw, then you get ice-damming. A dam of ice forms at the eave of a shingled roof and prevents the melting snow from running off the roof. It ponds at the edge of the roof and tends to force its way back up under the shingles. And that’s what causes leaks.  It’s a good idea to walk around the perimeter of your home and inspect it for big build ups of ice at the edge of the roof. Most homeowners will see big piles of snow on their roof, but more problematic is the ice that forms underneath.

We recommend speaking with a professional to find out tips on safe snow removal and solutions.  If you are considering selling your home and have concerns about your roof, it is a good idea to get a professional opinion, before putting your house on the market. A local company we have used and trust is:

Sanderson Roofing


For more homeowner tips see the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Home Care Guide to Repair and Maintenance