10 May 7 Primary Bedroom Staging Ideas
7 Primary Bedroom Staging Ideas
As you most likely know, staging involves setting up the furniture, art and accessories of each room to help make your home look as appealing as possible to potential buyers. It’s similar to what furniture stores do when they create displays of model bedrooms, kitchens, etc.
When you’re staging your home, the primary bedroom is particularly important. Here are some simple staging tips worth trying:
- Mirrors – Consider using mirrors to make the bedroom seem larger and more comfortable.
- Give Your Bed a Refresh – Put a new comforter and linen on the bed. Fresh pillow cases can brighten up a bed.
- Light it Up – Open curtains and blinds, let the natural light come in and allow views of the outside. Add a lamp if the lighting is dim. Make sure lights are turned on during viewings.
- Declutter – Be diligent when removing clutter from the room, particularly the closet. However, keep in mind you still want the room to be inviting, so don’t remove everything. Books, some artwork & plants, are great items to add some interst to the room. Also a good idea not to store items under the bed, they can be seen in pictures and can give an impression that you don’t have enough storage space.
- Depersonalize but personalize- There is a balance. You don’t want too many personal pictures that distract potential buyers, you want buyers looking at features of the room and space.
- Practice the Art of Minimalism – Be a minimalist when it comes to the nightstand. Only have two or three accessories on it and make sure they complement the theme, such as a book, vase, candleholder, etc.
- Paint – Experts say a neutral palette works best. Neutral colours allow our eyes to rest, evoking a sense of calmness and serenity. Use accent pillows, plant, artwork, etc. to bring some colour into the room.
Ideally, you want to make the bedroom look like a calm and welcoming retreat that allows potential purchasers to envision there own furniture and items in the room.
As experienced realtors® in Ottawa and surrounding areas, we are here to answer all your questions! We will inform you about the present market and the value of your property and help you make a plan to prepare for your home for market. Staging is one of the services included in our real estate services.
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